Hidden History of the Lost Architecture of the United States & Canada

Open your mind & press ESC to go back. Nearly every major city in North America was razed to the ground beginning in the late 1800’s. Looking back on the epic classical Greco-Roman architecture that was there, and the Brutalism that’s replaced it. We’re more than Dollar Stores and Wal-Marts. Mudflood? Tartaria? Or just a […]
Top 15 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

Our ancestors have started to use of medicinal plants centuries ago. Even now, many of us rely on such traditional remedies. Here the list of 15 powerful medicinal plants in the world. 15. Ginger In many Asian countries, especially in India, ginger is a part of daily diet. Because, the medicinal power of ginger can […]
Deepak Chopra to Release New Cause Token Around Mental health

NeverAlone, an initiative of The Chopra Foundation dedicated to supporting mental and emotional health and wellness in all its forms, has partnered with EarthFund to launch the NeverAlone token designed to support mental wellbeing projects around the world. With plans to kick the partnership off in time for Mental Health Awareness Month in May, the […]
Expanded Access to Youth Suicide Prevention Becomes U.S. Law

President Joseph Biden has officially signed Sandy Hook Promise’s Suicide Training and Awareness Nationally Delivered for Universal Prevention (STANDUP) Act into U.S. law, expanding access to evidence-based suicide prevention training for students in grades 6 through 12 at a time of critical need. Efforts to address the rising suicide rates among our youth have never been more urgent. Suicide has become […]
Telling Stories Builds Children’s Brains and Family Bonds

If you’re looking for ways to build a stronger relationship with your children – and build their brains at the same time – sit down and tell them a story, experts say. “Parents are bombarded with messages about how to raise their children all the time and in all the noise sometimes what gets lost […]
Hemp Biofuel: What it is, it’s Potential, and Why it Hasn’t Taken off Yet

As our concern for climate change continues to escalate, the search for identifying renewable clean energy sources continues to astonish those of us in the hemp industry. Why is no one talking about the most obvious and life changing sustainable option that already exists and has been proven for its multi-versatile use, HEMP? Listening to […]
15 Healthy Uses of Oregano

“Organum,” or Oregano comes from the mint family, (Liliaceae). Oregano is originally from warmer climates, such as the Mediterranean region. Oregano originated and was originally first used by the Greeks. The Goddess Aphrodite was believed to have created this herb. It was to be a symbol of joy growing in her garden. The word oregano […]
Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Turmeric and Cumin

This Creamy Cauliflower Soup is a hearty and velvety soup flavored with warm spices of turmeric, cumin, and red pepper flakes. It’s an incredibly delicious, bright, and vibrant soup ready in 15 to 20 minutes. With its delicious texture and flavor, it’s a favorite quick and easy soup, perfect for lunches or as a side […]
The Top 8 Health Benefits of Cauliflower

Cauliflower is an extremely healthy vegetable that’s a significant source of nutrients. It also contains unique plant compounds that may reduce the risk of several diseases, including heart disease and cancer. Additionally, it’s weight loss friendly and incredibly easy to add to your diet. Here are 8 science-based health benefits of cauliflower. 1. Contains Many […]
Hemp Is Ready to Shine, Thanks to Plastic Bans and Carbon Caps

A tectonic shift is taking place as previously underground drugs are thrust into the mainstream. As I’ve covered alcohol, tobacco and cannabis for Bloomberg News, a common theme has emerged: Mental-health care is ripe for disruption, and yesterday’s party drugs are tomorrow’s cures. With the Dose, you’ll get a weekly chronicle of the biggest news about the companies and personalities […]