Deepak Chopra to Release New Cause Token Around Mental health

NeverAlone, an initiative of The Chopra Foundation dedicated to supporting mental and emotional health and wellness in all its forms, has partnered with EarthFund to launch the NeverAlone token designed to support mental wellbeing projects around the world. With plans to kick the partnership off in time for Mental Health Awareness Month in May, the […]
Expanded Access to Youth Suicide Prevention Becomes U.S. Law

President Joseph Biden has officially signed Sandy Hook Promise’s Suicide Training and Awareness Nationally Delivered for Universal Prevention (STANDUP) Act into U.S. law, expanding access to evidence-based suicide prevention training for students in grades 6 through 12 at a time of critical need. Efforts to address the rising suicide rates among our youth have never been more urgent. Suicide has become […]
Universal Love

“Love is a word, a word we do not know the meaning of,” these are the lyrics of the song, ‘When I Fall in Love,’ as sung by Nat King Cole. I agree with Nat, very few of us know what real love is, and this article is another attempt of mine to explain and […]