Microdosing plant medicine has been a part of life’s evolutionary development since the beginning of time, because plants were our medicine.
Now, finally, in these times of desperate need for new ways of thinking our way back to a healthy mind and spirit, we’re returning to what our ancestors experienced naturally, the magic of nature. So, perhaps it’s time to ask your self, why not microdose magic mushrooms, aka plant medicine?
“Personally I find microdosing to be primary for the evolution of self/soul in everyday living. It’s not magic, it’s ancient health science!” sates Darlene Mea, Plant Medicine Woman practitioner, and producer of ZenfulLiving.org, an online portal for all things natural!
Based on current research, the US Food and Drug Administration has described psilocybin as a breakthrough medicine,
“Let’s be adults about this.” says Paul Stamets to CNN. “These are no longer ‘shrooms.’ These are no longer party drugs for young people, Psilocybin mushrooms are nonaddictive, life-changing substances. Perfect to enhance everyday living”
“Personally”, states Darlene Mea “I have found microdosing to be an evolutionary vitamin which restores, connects and creates new neuro transmitters in our brain. I recovered from a brain injury called meningitis with the continued assistance of microdosing as a part of my daily routine for 4 over years. Most of the time it’s a dropper full of a liquid tincture in the am, 3 days on and two days for full assimilation and effectiveness!.
What I feel is a slight uplift in my mood, my cognition, my creativity, my communication, my energy and my joy for living. I feel more and more, every day sacred on our adventure of life’ What I receive as a bonus is the continued development of repairing and creating new neuro pathways in my brain, enhancing my life on so many levels with a richer healthy outlook on all things.”

“Small clinical trials that have shown that one or two doses of psilocybin can make dramatic and long-lasting changes in people suffering from treatment-resistant major depressive disorder, which typically does not respond to traditional antidepressants.” said neurologist Richard Isaacson, director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic in the Center for Brain Health at Florida Atlantic University.
I bring you this article on Microdosing because it has changed my life in ways I would not have imagined. Now as a medicine women elder and microdoser – I would say this plant medicine, psilocybin, is essential to the evolution of self in every day living!
Plant medicine has been the medicine of choice for eons, referred to as complementary, alternative medicine (CAM), or integrative medicine. It seems today, people of all ages are running from allopathic drugs prescribed by western medicine. It appears the side effects can be pretty hellacious. Now more and more, people are finding a clear path to alternative health remedies. Turning to other healing modalities or approaches in natural wellness is finally becoming the upward trend.
Most of us elders, in fact, people of all ages have tried the magic mushroom at some point in life. Most of us experienced a life changing moment in which we were out of mind. It was especially surprising since we’ve never really been ‘out of mind’, nor did we think is was possible to loose our mind and still be fully functioning. And then, we found out, we could loose our mind (chatter) and gain our sanity. At that point we may never view life in the same way. We found grander ways of expanding and connecting with all life and with this we began to find our real inner peace in a the infinite realms of life’s playing field!
Personally, I went up this path after my near death experience in 2005, when meningitis almost took me out. What it did was basically erase my left brain functions, which I came to realize is, was my defragg! I began to understand that I am not my mind, because I am still me, and my left brain computer was not working. Without the left brain and no memory it was pretty challenging to live a normal life. However, I must say I was still highly creative and functional with just my right brain, most people didn’t know, unless I had to remember a name or a place, then I was lost. Basically, I wasn’t really functional in the normal realm of life as we know it.
During my long healing journey, 15 years+, I explored many alternative healing modalities. All natural, all rebuilding me from the inside out! What has been my greatest ally is growing and microdosing psylocibin. It has truly wakened me to many new levels of reality. All my brain functions are firing and I am healthier then ever with a full creative life and herbal formulating matier partner!
Being an elder I also want to say, my partner is 75+ years of life. He has been microdosing with me for over 2 years (We live in a Psilocybin legal state of Oregon). We are both experiencing great health, vitality and creativity, which is why I refer to microdosing plant medicine weather it is mushrooms or cannabis, as evolutionary. I would recommend microdosing to most anyone.
For the record, I do know, for a fact, ever ‘body’ is different, so everything is not necessarily for everyone. However for those who do get to enjoy this evolutionary plant medicine, it is a definite assistant for us to become deliberate creators in a world where everything is connected to everything and we have had to live with choices being made for us… Not anymore, we are deliberate creators.
In this blog I want to share the major benefits of micro dosing psychedelic mushrooms.
This has definitely garnered increasing interest in scientific circles due to its therapeutic benefits and profound effects on human consciousness.
While research on microdosing is still in its early stages, with current science, ingesting magic mushrooms has been occurring since the beginning of time. Our hominin ancestors inevitably encountered and likely ingested psychedelic mushrooms throughout their evolutionary history.
Here are some of the major benefits which have been observed and researched:
Enhanced Mood and Emotional Well-Being: Microdosing has been associated with improvements in mood, including increased feelings of happiness, contentment, and emotional stability. Individuals often report experiencing a greater sense of positivity and well-being in their daily lives.
Increased Creativity and Cognitive Flexibility: Microdosing has been linked to enhanced creativity and cognitive flexibility, allowing individuals to approach tasks and challenges from new perspectives. Many users report heightened problem-solving abilities, increased ideational fluency, and a greater capacity for innovation.
Improved Focus and Concentration: Some individuals find that microdosing helps improve their ability to focus and concentrate on tasks, leading to greater productivity and efficiency. This enhanced focus may result from the subtle modulation of neurotransmitter systems involved in attentional processes.
Enhanced Energy and Motivation: Microdosing has been reported to increase energy levels and motivation, making it easier for individuals to engage in activities and pursue their goals. This boost in energy and motivation can lead to increased productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment.
Alleviation of Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety: Preliminary research suggests that microdosing may have antidepressant and anxiolytic effects, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety in some individuals. This could be due to the modulation of serotonin receptors and other neurochemical pathways involved in mood regulation.
Enhanced Social Interaction and Empathy: Microdosing has been associated with improved social interaction and empathy, leading to stronger interpersonal relationships and a greater sense of connection with others. Many users report feeling more empathetic, compassionate, and understanding towards others.
Potential Neuroprotective Effects: Some research suggests that microdosing may have neuroprotective effects, helping to safeguard against age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative conditions. This could be attributed to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of psilocybin and other compounds found in psychedelic mushrooms.
In conclusion, microdosing psychedelic mushrooms holds promise as a potential means of enhancing mood, cognition, and overall well-being. While further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and long-term effects, anecdotal reports suggest that microdosing may offer a range of benefits for individuals seeking to optimize their mental and emotional health.
Are shrooms good for you?
There’s more. Researchers say psychedelic drugs help neurons in the brain sprout new dendrites, which look like branches on a tree, to increase communication between cells.
“These drugs can increase neuronal outgrowth, they can increase this branching of neurons, they can increase synapses. That’s called neuroplasticity,” Nutt said.
That’s different from neurogenesis, which is the development of brand-new brain cells, typically from stem cells in the body. The growth of dendrites helps build and then solidify new circuits in the brain, allowing us to, for example, lay down more positive pathways as we practice gratitude.
“Now our current thinking is this neuronal outgrowth probably doesn’t contribute to the increased connectivity in the brain, but it almost certainly helps people who have insights into their depression while on psilocybin maintain those insights,” Nutt said.
“You shake up the brain, you see things in a more positive way, and then you lay down those positive circuits with the neuroplasticity,” he added. “It’s a double whammy.”
Interestingly, SSRIs also increase neuroplasticity, a fact that science has known for some time. But in a 2022 double-blind phase 2 randomized controlled trial comparing psilocybin to escitalopram, a traditional SSRI, Nutt found the latter didn’t spark the same magic.
“The SSRI did not increase brain connectivity, and it actually did not improve well-being as much as psilocybin,” Nutt said. “Now for the first time you’ve got the brain science lining up with what patients say after a trip: ‘I feel more connected. I can think more freely. I can escape from negative thoughts, and I don’t get trapped in them.’
Hope you’ve enjoyed this evolutionary info If you would like further information including product information, please feel free to reach out to me
Yours Truly – Darlene Mea – [email protected]

Darlene Mea is a long-standing media personality in the world of alternative everything. Alternative health and wellness practices is her main focus. Since the early 1980s Darlene has been involved in television, radio, print and multimedia. She represents all things natural, sustainable and life-promoting. She is dedicated to going beyond the status quo narrative in order to provide options for a more wholesome life.