With Hemp Fiber being the strongest and most versatile fiber on the planet, it has the power to change our Industrial and Environmental reality.
Why we are not moving directly into this industry as a part of our GO GREEN and flourish plan is bewildering. HEMP is the carbon capture technology plan, what are they waiting for?
Why are we not focused on growing hemp around the world and producing a MEGA HEMP FIBER Industry?
When it comes to hemp, hemp fiber is the new emerging industrial solution for the sustainability of our future. Beit industry, economics, environmental stabilization or wellness, Hemp provides the most natural and economic and environmental solutions for the planet. Knowing this, the question is, why are we not growing hemp fiber every where?
After all hemp is a weed, a long stocky weed that grows 8 to 12ft tall in 12 to 14 weeks, in most climates. While growing hemp it pulls CO2 from the atmosphere while emitting oxygen at the same time. Hemp is the one of the strongest fibers on the planet. Hemp fiber can become paper, plastic, clothing, shoes, housing, supercapacitors, horse bedding, biofuel and a myriad of other products. With just a few of these hemp industries we can begin to regain the eco balance of our planet and as importantly, provide a new plan with a naturally flourishing plant ~ economics, trade, and most importantly solutions?
Hemp provides a plan of sustainability, economics and environment.
Hemp is the game changer for our world
Why are we ‘not’ planting our farms with hemp fiber in the US? Why are we ‘not’ repurposing warehouses across the US for this epic Hemp industrial revolutionary solution? Why are we not looking to hemp instead of cutting down forest trees which we need for the oxygen they provide. Why are we still producing most products from petrochemical when they are toxic to everything but financial gain. Why should we continue to use up our earth resources when we can grow hemp fiber for paper, plastics, grafite, oil remediation, clothing, construction, and even bridges that take us to a land of sustainability for all!
Below is the latest information regarding the largest landowners in the United States. Perhaps they’re not aware of this looming multi-trillion dollar hemp industry emerging slowly into our world. It seems to be, I’m proposing, there’s a monopoly of farm landowners and the petrochemical industrial complex? What does that mean, we’ll see!
According to the Land Report, which bills itself as the “Magazine of the American Landowner,” Gates has amassed 242,000 in farmland acreage. Gates and his wife Melinda own a total of 268,984 acres of land, most of which includes the farmland, along with 25,750 acres of transitional land and 1,234 acres of recreational land.
Part of that land is in Arkansas. The Gates family owns 47,927 acres in Arkansas, according to the Land Report. This acreage accounts for 17.8 percent of the family’s total land holdings. The report did not specify if the Arkansas land was all farmland.
Arkansas had the second-most land owned by the Gates family, after Louisiana. In the Bayou State, the Gates family reportedly own 69,071 acres of land, making up approximately 25.68 percent of the family’s overall land holdings.
The Land Report article provides an in-depth look at how editors tracked down Gates’ farmland acquisitions.
We’re showing this so you can ponder with us… what’s this all about? Why so much land? Wouldn’t it be incredible if they fueled the hemp industry and began farming hemp? What if other big players decided to repurpose America for hemp product manufacturing?
As the CEO of HempingtonPost I can see a future entirely possible and at the same time I know life, on many levels is a big monopoly game. So maybe it’s the big player’s that do get in this industry and make most of the money, as they do? Yet still, we would have new industry, greater economics for all, and a way forward to a natural sustainable future. The important part is timing – Now is the time!
There’s an old saying
if not you who, if not now when?
It’s time to change things up!
Together We Grow
Darlene Mea is a long-standing media personality in the world of alternative everything. Alternative health and wellness practices is her main focus. Since the early 1980s Darlene has been involved in television, radio, print and multimedia. She represents all things natural, sustainable and life-promoting. She is dedicated to going beyond the status quo narrative in order to provide options for a more wholesome life.