Science Finally Confirms That People Absorb Energy From Others

A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way. […]
Why Get Familiar With Your Vagus Nerve?

The vagus nerve is one of the longest and most important nerves in the body and helps control a number of crucial functions. It connects your brain to your gut, and can affect everything from your mood and stress levels to your digestion, heart rate and immune response. It may also play a major role […]
Laetrile From Apricot Seeds: The Cancer Cure Suppressed by Big Pharma

You may have read or heard somewhere that laetrile, a condensed purified extraction of apricot seed kernels sometimes sold as B-17 tablets, can cure cancer safely, without serious side effects. Yet mainstream medical “experts” and news sources derisively label it as worthless and toxic. It can kill you they say, adding there’s no scientific proof […]
Cannabis: 20 Health Benefits

The most incredible aspect surrounding Cannabis as a choice for restoration back to wellness is, the side effects; feeling ‘chill’ and slumbering deep. We’re not talking about smoking cannabis, which is okay, however, it clearly effects other receptors in our head, expanding beyond our ‘normal realm’ which is why many people love it and others hate […]
What Hemp Can do For Our World

Hemp advocate Amy Ansel says the Hemp plant — marijuana’s sober cousin — is poised to revolutionize numerous industries by replacing an enormous amount of toxic materials, and putting us on a path to a cleaner, more sustainable world. Zenful LivingZenfull Living is a portal of life-friendly information moving us into an alternative reality of […]
What is Geoengineering?

There is no plan to plant farms with Hemp — that are paid not to grow. In fact, there’s no real plan to do anything about climate change right now except Geoengineering. The plan, with Bill Gates at the helm, is geoengineering, aka cooling our skies and polluting our soils while affecting the health of […]
My Mushroom Burial Suit

Here’s a powerful provocation from artist Jae Rhim Lee. Can we commit our bodies to a cleaner, greener Earth, even after death? Naturally — using a special burial suit seeded with pollution-gobbling mushrooms. Yes, this just might be the strangest TEDTalk you’ll ever watch. Zenful LivingZenfull Living is a portal of life-friendly information moving us […]
‘We Work on Nature’s Clock’: Klickitat County Cemetery Offers Human Composting Option

In 2019, Washington became the only state that allows this alternative to burial or cremation. Herland Forest is one of three places offering the service. Deep within Klickitat County, thick with fir, oak and pine trees, is the Herland Forest Natural Burial Cemetery. It’s a place where even in the dead of winter, there’s a […]
How to Bridge the Gap Between Our Spiritual World and Waking Reality

Last week, I had the pleasure of interviewing a man who is making a big impact on the Amazon Rainforest and also changing the way the world thinks about conscious business. His name is Tyler Gage and he’s breaking the mold by bringing sacred shamanic practices into his organization here in the States. Tyler is the co-founder […]
Ginger For Our Pineal Gland

Ginger provides powerful brain protection due to its high antioxidant content which is abundant enough in ginger to enable a decrease in oxidative stress in the brain. Reduced cognitive performance is related to oxidative stress and reduced brain function in general. Ginger stimulates circulation and reduces oxidative stress, enabling the Pineal gland to improve function […]